Running from What?

That's really me...and I'm really running.

My M.O. throughout my whole life can only be described in one way (well, maybe a few, but mostly this): Running. 

Running out of time, running from reality, running out of opportunities, running from a routine, running from the expected, running out of ideas, running into problems, running to my next destination, running myself damn near into the ground.

Really, I approach life a lot like a race, and it's something I'm trying so hard to break away from, yet the very thing that keeps me going full throttle. I'm so consumed by the thought that we are given a finite lifespan, a definitive amount of time in this very existence, as this very person in which  to make a mark - whatever it might be. I'm terrified of spending that time the same way as everyone else, just because it means you'll be financially stable, or have a promising career, or be famous, or well respected in some community..I think there is so much more out there and I fully intend to find it. And at the end of my day, I want to know that I was running so others could run with me, and figure out what they're running for, because I am damn well certain it isn't a desk-job handcuffed to a keyboard and monitor working day in and out to make someone else rich...that's exactly the thing I'm running from.