Check Me Out

Hi there. Thanks for finding me.


If you’re trying to find out about me, well… that’s cool. I’ll do my best, but really I tend to think I’m way more interesting than I probably am. I wish I could meet you in person (if I haven’t already) and convince you to agree with me. Anyways, here goes nothin..

I'm Christina...I call myself 'xt', mainly because it's easy to write, but most call me Izzo..thanks for the namesake, Dad. Anyways, I hail from the center of the world, if you don't know where that is, shame on you.. and if you guessed NY, well then you win a gold star. If you're from Boston, which chances are most of the people that read this will be, settle down because I've been living in the Bean for almost 5 years now and I love this place.

Probably the first and most important thing you should know about me is that I LIVE to have fun. So, if you're boring or not into doing cool stuff or not down with living every second of this fabulous life we've been given like an absolute Rock Star, I'm probably not friends with you anyways.. but hey, different strokes, right?

So, hopefully you find some inspiration from this blog-- my suggestion box, if you will - as I make my way through an aptly-dubbed and very cliche "quarter life crisis" -- navigating my way far past the wreckage of what could have been a lifetime behind a computer screen and towards something way cooler..way more unique..and way better of a story.