Thursday, December 22, 2011

Doing well by Doing good

Stumbled across these awesome little bitties by Layak + Jac. I'm a huge fan of piling multiple bracelets of various styles on my wrists circa 1994, so this is totally my bag. But the best part about these are the fact that each purchase of a Layak + Jac bracelet directly supports an Andean family, plus all proceeds go back to the local community - and they are effin adorable and in a bajillion colors so what's not to love, really?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Start 'em up

I decided to get this engine running again, solely for the purpose of sharing this video with the zero people that read this blog, but in the hopes that someone will watch this. Seriously, seriously incredible - I need to cartwheel off a cliff like that. I died watching this - in fact, I think it got MY adrenaline going and I'm just sitting here staring at a computer screen. WTF

I Believe I can Fly ( flight of the frenchies). Trailer from sebastien montaz-rosset on Vimeo.