Friday, February 4, 2011

Epiphany vs. Instinct

I realized a funny thing 2 days ago. After battling back to back snow storms followed by freezing rain, a night capped off in hail, tears and a half mile long walk in ice back to my apartment..I walked in to find my hero of a boyfriend pouring me a healthy glass of wine. I was inconsolably upset, mostly from work but a tad from the treacherous battle of parking spots that commences after every snow storm in my neighborhood. I vented for a solid twenty minutes while gulping sipping my wine, tears flowing like a five year old who just got denied an ice cream cone. Eventually after my rant I calmed down, took a deep breath, another slug of wine and I dug into my work bag and ripped out a recipe for these:
PS- got this recipe from - Jenny is a rockstar of a mom/chef/superhero and I wanna be her when I grow up..she has no idea who I am btw.

Sinful and slightly fat kid disgusting, I know. Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies. These ones are like, half the size of the monsters I put out. But anyways, I take one more slug of wine and then skip downstairs and start taking my aggression out on two sticks of butter.

While I was stirring, baking, measuring and making an overall mess of my kitchen...I noticed how much I had calmed down from my earlier panic attack. I had completely forgotten about it.

So then I started thinking that, given my recent quarter life crises/life analysis, is this how people find their true calling? I never thought of being a baker or a chef, but to this day I still claim my all time favorite job ever was working in an Italian bakery for 3 years in high school. So...does that mean that I need to start thinking outside the boundaries of what I think my college degree afforded me? Or was this just my natural instinct-- to focus on something else that requires undivided attention to forget about the troubles of my day. I just really  enjoy cooking and baking, but I'm not sure I could devote a lifetime to it. Then again, I have always LOVED the idea of opening up my own bakery/coffee shop. And I'm not sure what my other hobbies are, but maybe this is when i start finding out-- as I keep searching for the next road I need to go down..should be interesting.

And the cookies were bomb btw but I woke up feeling 28 lbs heavier.

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