Thursday, January 6, 2011

Diaries of Misfortune

Apparently when I said "once weekly" I meant once monthly. In any event, get a load of this one:
This morning I decided I was going in late to work because honestly, who is going to notice? Well..besides my bosses who happen to be the CEO and COO, but other than that I mean WTF I work everyday, what's ten minutes, right?

Well...I get to my office and lo and behold the line for the parking garage is obscene because as usual, only one entrance is working. So I inch my way along until it's my turn to enter, I wave my time, two times...five times..six times until I am basically holding it against the censor only for it to blink red then green quickly then back to red, but no open gate. Cool. So while I have about 15 cars lined up behind mine and around the corner I get out of my car and shrug my shoulders rather emphatically to the 3 or so cars behind me. I receive several angry honks back, so I motion for them to reverse to let me dice. Finally the way-too-eager-to-get-to-work woman behind me backs away to let me out. Mortified, I get back in my car and back out of the parking garage entrance and pull away slowly to see if the stupid lever is broken or if I am just special-ed.

Alas, everyone else enters no problem. So I pull around to the garage office, at this point I am running on 30 minutes late to work mind you, I throw my car next to the curb and go see what's going on. They tell me all is well in cyberspace and my card should work fine blah blah blah. So I go back to my car after warning them the raucous I just caused trying to enter, and start my car. doesn't start. Ok, turn the key harder..nope. Click click DEAD.

Sweet. So I go back to the office garage for some cables and thank god, they were able to send out the maintenance guy to jump it. That worked surprisingly well and I sauntered into work sunglasses on circa 10 am, with a meeting that I am completely and embarrassingly unprepared for in 30 minutes. It's fine. Happy Thursday to me.

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