Friday, February 4, 2011

a stitch in time

I got stitches earlier this week. Don't look at this if you get at all queasy. I'm not gonna lie, and you can judge me, I was PSYCHED to get them. It really reaffirms my bad-assness, I think. Plus, it'll be my second legit scar so that's cool because I think scars are kinda rad on girls...well, I guess it depends on the scar, really...prob it's location too because I def don't want the Continental Divide running down the middle of my face I'm all set with that.

Check it.

Pretty gross/cool right? On my neck too...I'm like a modern-day girl version of Frankenstein. 

Pretty sure there is a good chance I somehow manage to rip these out/open them up in my inappropriately drunken state Saturday night.

Happy weekend folks!

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