Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Afraid of Dying

We've all been asked the question - "what's your BIGGEST fear?" and my answer is the same everytime, and it seems no amount of coaxing can convince me to be more scared of anything else.


Who isn't afraid of the unknown? I love life way too much for it to just end one day. the end. that's it. no fat lady singing, no floating spirits into the clouds, no 21 gun salute. Just....black.

Well, Tyler Tervooren over at Advanced Riskology wrote this awesome comparison of the likelihood of dying from some of people's worst fears:

And the chances of dying from the number one fear - public speaking - is pretty much zero. Interesting perspective, seeing as we are always making excuses NOT to do things because of the danger associated with them.

So what the hell throw caution to the wind-- god knows death didn't even cross my mind when I went skydiving, but it sure as hell does every so often when I am driving in to work in the morning. Funny how that is- my fears of death can be so rational at times, but my lack of it in other situations is almost laughable.

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