Tuesday, March 29, 2011

thrill me

For someone who doesn't write nearly as often as I'd like to, I don't claim to be a "writer" or even a "blogger" for that matter....hell I barely read these days, not that I'm proud to admit it...I'm feeling very underwhelmed by my surroundings. Today feels like Monday..and this day, this week, this month feels lacking in anything inspiring. This place, this job, this city, these people have become so mundane. I know, I know - things can always be worse- and I should be finding excitement in the little things - but I want something BIG. I'm tired of little. I'm bored with it. I'm bored with most things of late.

Why is life a cycle, and why are the days routine? Who made these rules up?!

Every morning I wake up is Groundhog's Day lately --  I am desperate to be surprised, engaged..thrilled.

I want to do this:

Needless to say I need to muster up the energy to be positive about the things I do have, and the opportunities that do exist. I also need to face the reality that anything I want to do badly enough I will make happen- and not wait for things to fall into place. As much as I think things happen for a reason, and the pieces will fall where they may, if you've found yourself in a position that you don't like, you have to fight your way out. No Universe is aligning for a person who isn't making every effort to effect change.

This morning I decided I'm going to try meditating. I'm forcing positive energy into my brain the second I wake up. A lot of the people who DO inspire me speak very highly about meditation. So, for Lent (ok, a little late) for just because...I am going to meditate every morning for 10 minutes - clear my head, selectively collect my thoughts and embrace the day.

I'm really hoping this will be a long-term change I make in my life. I've found meditation in yoga practice before to be incredibly therapeutic, but I have never gotten good at it, because I would only do it those odd times I went to yoga. Hopefully I can truly learn to meditate, and impact a positive change in my mood and overall perception. Here goes nothin!
maybe one day I'll have this view..but for now I'll settle for the window in my bedroom.

Namaste, friends.

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