Tuesday, October 19, 2010

To the Max

How to be Present, Here and Now

Read this post. I promise, it's one of the most important things I could ever preach to anyone -- because it's something I think about every.single.day. Given my impatience at taking my life by the horns, this piece really epitomizes my M.O., which is to constantly strive to LIVE. Not just exist, but really be present in your life, actively engaged in every movement, every glance, every word, every thought. It's hard to maintain that mentality, but I truly believe that the better you become at being present (that doesn't include checking email during a conversation with a friend, zoning out to the TV for a span of an hour or two, updating Facebook statuses and spying on your friends...) but really realizing what is happening right now - what the world is around you at this moment, and savoring that very second. This isn't to say that everyone doesn't need a mental break, trust me, a few times a day I do zone out. But that's precisely the thing I'm trying to run from -- the corporate machine that forces your life to fit into a neat little box that consists of the same routines over and over and dealing with the same issues and never feeling compensated for your time and effort and never feeling appreciated or truly fulfilled with your contribution to society -- that's not just me, that's business.

Check out this article --it definitely reminded me of the little things that can make the aggravations of a day melt away if you just pay attention to them.


  1. That's not you in the picture...

  2. huh? yeah it is. it's all stretched out for some reason though-- that's prob why you dont recognize me bc I look so skinny. that was in Sandy Eggo 2 years ago you nerd!
