Tuesday, September 28, 2010

welcome to my humble abode...

Hullo and Bienvenidos!
Wanna know what you’re reading and who I am? Well…if I were to write a classified ad about myself and this blog, it’d probably read something like this:
20 something career path-less wanna-be vagabond. anxious to escape the routine of everyday in search of something unfamiliar. hysterically unlucky and borderline psychotic, these are musings of my comical misfortune, fleeting interests and ramblings of my ever changing long-term travel itinerary.things i try, things i do, the things that keep me up at night and my personal opinion on how I and everyone else should start living their life.
 hey. i never said i was trying to impress anyone.
but i do promise you'll keep coming back.


  1. You´re gonna need to help me create a better blog, yours is way cooler than mine...

  2. the world is a small place . and a strange one.
    built on connections and misconnections,
    in a search for idenity . do u think there could be some who acquire a different persona to escape ....?

    i couldnt help to feel theres gotta be some one out there just like me. And think theres gotta be others living just like me...
